Cummings Township Zoning Ordinance
ORDINANCE NO. 11.10.2020
An ordinance repealing the current Cummings Township Zoning Ordinance enacted by Cummings Township on September 11, 2018, and replacing it with the NEW Cummings Township Zoning Ordinance and a new Zoning Map.
Here is a link to the Cummings Township Zoning Ordinance .pdf file:

Short Term Rental Ordinance

This is an addition to our current Zoning Ordinance.
This is effective and applies to properties put into use as short term rentals ON OR AFTER 10/9/2024. Properties in the township used as short term rentals on or before 10/8/2024 are GRANDFATHERED and EXEMPT from the requirements of this new zoning use.
Zoning and Building Permits
Questions about the ordinance and / or permitting process can be directed to Jeff Markley at 570-971-3611 or Roger Hoy at 570-660-6435
Here is a link to the Hoy Inspections Zoning Permit Application .pdf file:

Here is a link to the Hoy Inspections Construction Permit Application .pdf file:

Here is a link to the Cummings Township Zoning Ordinance regarding Medical Marijuana .pdf file: